Toni Smailagic Toni Smailagic

Winterland III - Music Festival 2020

All images by Toni Smailagic || / @Cre8Jax @ToniSmailagic

Winterland came back for a THIRD year this year, taking place from Feb 7-9th, 2020 all over 5 Points. Spreading from Riverside Park to Rain Dogs, I finally saw the a glimpse into what the future of 5 Points could potentially look like. It was the most random mix of people - whether the style was goth, hip hop, hard core rock, or a tech kids visiting town. Thousands showed up, and rightfully so. Between the vendors, panel discussions, music shows around the clock - this was absolutely worth spending a weekend in 5 Points for. Some of my favorite shots throughout the weekend.

If you like the photography work, add the coffee-table book to your collection and help me continue shooting these events!

If you like the photography work, add the coffee-table book to your collection and help me continue shooting these events!

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