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In addition to longer days and warmer weather, March heralds the return of the Friends of the Jacksonville Public Library's (FJPL) Big Bag Book Sale. Come visit on March 14 - 16 to get fantastic deals on books, movies, audiobooks, records, jigsaw puzzles, and more.
Note: Thursday, 3/14, 4 - 8 p.m. is Members Only Night!
Buy one paper bag of books for $12 and get one FREE. Bags will be provided by the Friends.
Friday, 3/15, 4 - 8 p.m. and Saturday, 3/16, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. are open to all! But there's special pricing for members!
Members: Buy one bag of books for $15 and get one FREE.
Non-members: Buy two paper bags for $15 each, and get your third bag FREE.
Note: Bags will be provided by the Friends.
Link for more info | Free