Do you know the roots of southern cuisine? The black eyed peas, collard greens, okra, yams, macaroni and cheese that we enjoy in the south. This year at White Harvest Farms we want to celebrate Black History month by following the roots of southern cuisine back to the slavery which brought so many talented African farmers, chefs, seeds and farming techniques to the Americas. We are partnering with chefs and historians to highlight the history of southern cuisine, farming practices, land access and our waterways. There will be food for sale and American Heart Association will be doing food demonstrations, making healthy alternatives to your southern favorites.
11:30 – Ju’Coby Pittman – Introduction
11:45 – Mika Hardison – Roots of southern cuisine ||. Break noon – 12:30
12:30 – Tim Gilmore || 12:45 – Bill Delaney || 1:00 – Ashantae Green – closing