Toni Smailagic Toni Smailagic

Return of Art Walk - 2021!

All images by Toni Smailagic || / @Cre8Jax @ToniSmailagic

Downtown Jacksonville Art Walk FINALLY came back this past Wednesday
after a 19 month break and, per usual, I was out with the camera
capturing my favorite night in downtown (the only time I see it truly

Art Walk takes place on the first Wednesday of each month from 5-9pm.
The three hubs were James Weldon Johnson Park, Moving the Margins at
the Jessie duPont Center, and the Vystar breezeway - with all the
businesses along the way open. A ton of live music options, food,
boutiques, artwork, vendors and just a contagious energy in the city.

See ya'll next month! #cre8jax

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