Toni Smailagic Toni Smailagic

Porchfest 2021

One of the easiest events to promote in Jacksonville is the annual Porchfest celebration that happens annually (besides 2020 for obvious reasons) and it FINALLY came back - with a small twist. Porchfest is generally a magnificent way of getting introduced to the Historic Springfield neighborhood in Jacksonville, where it turns into a type of massive block party, except specific porches are picked where musicians are scheduled to perform. Thousands of people (local & national guests!) show up to see 25+ bands perform, food and drinks everywhere, and a true dose of southern hospitality.

The Twist - we basically had a monsoon come in during Saturday’s festivities, what was supposed to be an all day event, turned into house parties during the day (pictures below show a few from the drag show house that Dale Stoudt (AMAZING realtor) hosted in order to raise funds for JASMYN, and a few performances at Underbelly that night (which I didn’t get a chance to cover).

The leader of SPAR, Kelly Rich, and her team scrambled and got back at least a dozen of the bands for Sunday, and made it Porchfest 2.0, which brought out a ton of people, and I was able to cover the nighttime portion with Mama Blue and LPT performing. (pictured below). It definitely helped that it was a winning day for the Jaguars as well, so city morale was on a HIGH! Exceptionally executed and all the props go to the team at SPAR!

I highly suggest keeping in touch and putting Porchfest 2022 on your calendar as soon as the date is announced!

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