L.O.V.E FEST 2024
The second annual L.O.V.E Fest took place on Friday, June 14th on the Northbank Riverwalk (area in front of YMCA) and apparently people were just as excited as I was because they showed up in droves! Presented by L.O.V.E Culture, this festival was conceived in 2023 when the music group pitched this idea to Placemaking Jax to activate the Northbank Riverwalk by hosting a grass-roots style music festival on the water. Needless to say, they won and applied again this year & continued to receive funding to bring it back.
The utilization of the layout of the festival was super efficient where no one area felt crammed or diluted. Multiple stages, DJ sets, dancers, panel discussions, food trucks, vendors, kid zones and live art. A HUGE congratulations to everyone behind the scenes that poured their blood, sweat, and tears into making an event like this happen, and doing it right!
All images by Toni Smailagic of Cre8Jax | Images may not be used without consent and/or licensing agreement.