Color Me Kona - November 2017
All images by Toni Smailagic - Instagram : @ToniSmailagic + @Cre8Jax
"Color Me Kona : The World's Largest Coloring Book Party" took place on Nov 18th, 2017 at Kona Skatepark (the world's oldest operating skatepark) . The event is exactly what it sounds like - a MASSIVE coloring party at Kona Skatepark. The founder of the organization, Nicole Holderbraum, uses this event as a fundraiser to the Jax Kid's Mural Project so that the program can continue to serve Title 1 schools and underprivileged youth in Jacksonville. The admission was "pay what you can" or donating 2 or more children's books, which would be given as gifts to the children who work with the organization.
Of all the events I've been to this year, this is EASILY in the top 3 things to do in Jacksonville. I hope that next year when you see it come up again, that you strongly consider going. It's colorful, energetic, diverse, inclusive, and just an absolute place of happiness. The entire park had a Neverland effect and allowed you to escape reality, even for just a few hours.
For ways to get involved with the organization or to volunteer at future events, please join this Facebook >> page <<