Toni Smailagic
Toni Smailagic
DuvalFolx NYE 2022/2023
DuvalFolx is the only dance party in NE Florida that centers Black / Trans / and Queer folks - created by Geexella in 2018. To celebrate NYE 2022 > 2023, we headed to my favorite bar in Murray Hill, The Walrus with DJ’s Geexella, Lunaxcel, CommonJudgement, OMY, and Comrade Panarica providing the soundtrack throughout the evening. We had THE Silent Disco company in the alley, Hush Hush, so people were listening to different stations, in and out of the building.
It’s the most joyous event I cover, on a consistent basis. The images don’t do the energy you feel justice!
Photography by Toni Smailagic of Cre8Jax